One Last Chance

Don’t you miss those days”

She let out a big sigh. 

“Seems like you don’t”

“I learnt things. I don’t miss it though”

“Why not?”

“It just… hit me pretty deeply. If you’ll excuse me”

She went in with her drink and never looked at me back. I feel guilty but at the same time, I feel good to meet her again. 

“Love an intricate delicacy
Binding two opposites together
Hoping for an everlasting 'YES'”

Maybe… if she could see me in a different way that I’ve changed and everything has changed and give me 

                    One Last Chance

Lips painted pinkish beige. Eyes light brown coloured lens. Hair was nicely done. She was noticed as the perfect model the minute she entered my class and introduced herself as a transfer student. 

Everyone adored her. She was the talk of the school, the day she entered. 

She struggled to get mingled with other students but slowly and smoothly she does get mingled. 

After the class hours, it was cloudy. She hesitated to go out. Seemed like this little princess doesn’t like to get wet if it rains. Her friends couldn't come along with her as she was far away compared to her friends home. But I heard that she’s in my way. 

So the only one without any hesitation accompanied her to her home was me. I never do help anyone but something told me to help her. Without my attention, my legs moved on and now I'm helping her. 

From then we went on together. I never waited for her but she did. I never wanted to go along with her but I ditched my friends for her sometimes. I don’t know what is going on with me. I never wanted to do things to anyone but I do to her alone without my conscious. 

From being just strangers to neighbours, neighbours to friends, we became. 

I've never thought that someone like me could change this far. Something is very disconcerting about her, which makes me do things. 

Months passed, from friends to besties we became. 

The gap we had when we walked together at first was slowly decreasing day by day and it slowly turned out we or maybe should I say that ‘I’ can’t ever be separated from her. There was no gap. I wanted her so badly. I missed her so badly. Even a day I couldn’t stop thinking about her, seeing her and talking to her. 

She was an addiction to me. 

There was nothing between me and her yet there is something in me that is like hers. 

I felt, I felt the spark in me whenever she held me tight and it felt like a forever paradise. I know I can’t do this, can’t go in that path because it’s not me. But the day she entered my life I kept on thinking who I am, I don’t even remember me anymore. I have changed a lot when she came. 

But I never dared to tell her about my feelings. 

One day when I was with my friends, they pressured me to tell her. They said if I don’t pursue her now then later she would become someone else’s. I couldn’t stand the image of her being with someone else. 

I prepared myself to talk to her. On that day, I brought her to the river bank. She was drawing the scenery as I was throwing the stones in the river out of hesitation whether to tell her or not. 

I was pissed off when the thought crossed my mind. I turned towards her to say and saw her beautiful eyes shining in the evening sun as it went around and around as she drew. The wind blew smoothly as her hair flowed in the air majestically. When she slowly tucked her hair behind her ears, I gulped and the confidence I had now was all melted away in her hotness. 

She caught me and asked in an angelic voice, 

“Is there something you want to say to me?”

I couldn’t speak out. I was stuck in h orer beauty. 

Gradually she neared me and smiled shyly as she kept her hands behind her. I was puzzled by her actions but moreover, she was too cute in this way and I couldn’t control my love increase for her more and more. 

She whispered in my ears in her smooth voice, 

“I like you. And I know you too do. Shall we become more than friends?”

The minute she said ‘more than friends’ my heart disappeared. Moreover, like my heart was taken by her long before when she started to look at me and give me alone those innocent pretty smiles.   

       “Love an intricate delicacy
         Gliding over pure souls
         Some are together while 
           Some are apart 
          Hoping for trustworthy ‘YES’ 
          Reaching beyond realities"

From the next day onwards we were official. Everything was going so smoothly and even better than I have imagined. 

We even reached our first anniversary. We looked like a role model for others. 

But… what I was afraid of was slowly approaching. She was becoming a control freak. She never knew what should be done or asked where. She was impatient. She was like a grudge but I loved her. I adjusted myself for her. 

But I couldn’t last for many days. I avoided her. 

Slowly I started to get that I wasn’t in love with her in the first place. It was all her beauty and her character made me swayed for her. 

I thought maybe I should tell her. I called her and made her come to the nearby park. 

We drank the juice in silence. She was gloomy, maybe something was wrong and I was yet to ask her. 

Oh! No, not going to be swayed by her. 

I brought myself and said with my eyes straight at the street lamp, those dull white light,

“Let’s stop to see each other”

“Do we see each other nowadays?”

I turned my head towards her, she was with her teary eyes,

“I asked, do we?”

I stayed silent. 

“Well, I think this is it. I am surprised you even managed yourself to see and say this. I thought we were already done for..” 

I wanted to say something but she took my hands slowly and squeezed it as asked me with her innocent eyes, 

“The one last thing I want to ask you is… You never loved me?”

I made my voice stiff and cold, 

“Yes. I never loved you. I just toyed with you” 

“Toyed? Huh!”

She smiled at me and went off with her teary eyes.

I felt nothing when she went off with her tears. 

Some days later I found out that she went off abroad to study. I was feeling good that she was no more here and I could happily move on. 

But… it wasn’t as I thought. Though I went on many dates, I didn’t feel anything special for others. 

While I was on a date, I saw the girl wearing a pinkish beige lip colour and I don’t know what came over me, I was overwhelmed, felt heavy and tears poured down. I didn’t stop it or want to stop, I felt like this is me. 

Seeing me like this, the girl tried to console me but I ditched her and went on to the places where my legs took me. Those were the places where we spent together happily, it felt like forever then but now I messed it up with. I was blinded by my anger and stupid thoughts. I lost a great person and my heart. I felt those days like yesterday. 

After watching the river flow where she whispered those words, made me feel hope again, hope to see her again. 

After some years… 

It was a cool night. I went on to my friend’s party. The party was super fantastic. Met my old school mates. I was eager to see everyone. But my eyes looked everywhere only for her. I wondered whether she was here. 

My luck! Our eyes locked. She glared at me with her daring eyes, it was no more innocent. Her lips were painted in scarlet, no more pinkish beige. She ignored me and talked to others nearby her and smiled which was mature, no more shy smile. She changed totally. 

Got her drinks and went on her way. She saw me. She didn’t hesitate even a minute to greet me. She asked those same questions she asked the others. 

We talked for minutes. She thanked me for the drinks and went out. 

I followed her. 

She was sitting on the porch all alone without any disturbance. I sat along with her. She saw me and gave me a stiff smile and turned away. 

The air between was thick and to lighten it I spoke with a hesitation voice as I know what she would answer to the question am about to ask but even though I asked her, 

“Don’t you miss those days”

She let out a big sigh as if she didn’t want to have this conversation any more. My heart felt heavy, with a sad voice I said, 

“Seems like you don’t”

Hearing my sad voice, she said without any hesitation,
“I learnt things. I don’t miss it though”

I asked as if I pleaded her to feel me, 
“Why not?”

She hesitated but she saw me in the eyes and said the truth, 
“It just… hit me pretty deeply. If you’ll excuse me”

She went in with her drink and never looked at me back. I feel guilty but at the same time, I feel good to meet her again. Maybe… if she could see me in a different way that I’ve changed and everything has changed and gave me one last chance. 

I followed her when she was heading home. She saw me but she didn’t stop me. 

She led me to her home. But of course, didn’t let me in. 

When I was about to go, she came out again and went off to a club. 

She drank some only and she felt out of presence. Glad that I followed her. I went on to grab her but she dragged me and led me to the dance floor. 

She danced and saw me with her black eyelashes and her daring smile. She grabbed me closer as she put on her hands over my shoulders and moved slowly according to the music. I knew that it was the drink making her do it, and I needed to stop it before it went out of hand but I couldn’t. I loved this side of hers. 

I turned away from her face to avoid unwanted things from happening. But she kept her hands on my cheeks and made me see her and moved closer. 

We were so close to each other. The lights were changing according to the music and we danced in our own world. It was like everything stopped but we didn’t and moved on. 

We closed our eyes as our heads touched each other. I felt her breathing, it was as fast as her heart beats, so was mine. At the same time, we opened our eyes, she was gorgeous than ever I could imagine. 

She put her hand on my head and pulled closer than ever but I stopped her and she lost herself the balance and fell. 

I was glad enough that I knew her friends. Called them and let them take her as I knew she wouldn't like it if she saw me. 

I came to know from her friends that she didn’t give up on me still and talked about me to everyone. I wanted to believe them and start over but something told me that I need to go slow. 

Though I wanted to get closer to her, I maintained my limits and did everything to win her back properly. Slowly day by day, we neared closer. 

The day when she and I got separated came. I called her out, now we are friends, just friends though. 

I kept secret the place that I was about to show her. She was very excited. 

When we reached the river bank, I saw her, she saw me. She didn’t even hesitate a moment to get out of the car and went over the river bank and took the stones and pampered them. She looked as if she was about to cry. 

She gulped and threw the stones away in the river bank. 

I called her, she slowly turned towards me with those same innocent eyes and smiled with shyness as she hid her hands behind her, she tried to hide it but couldn’t. 

I smiled at her as I said out loud and took her hands, 

“Will you be mine again?”

She felt it. The spark between us never ends. She was crying at the same time laughing as she grabbed me and hugged me tightly. 

       “Settling my heart’s fear 
         Clutching bouquet of flowers 
         Cuddling my mind’s thought 
         Hoping for a louder ‘YES’
        Echoing over hills and towers”

The wind blew as her hair flowed in the air smoothly like how our relationship started to bloom smoothly. 

                  “Bond of cure 
                   Bond of silence 
                 Binding two opposites together 
                 Some are real 
                Hoping for an everlasting ‘YES’
                Fighting every difficulties”

Writer - Smithaadithan @storieswithinpictures.blogspot
Poet - Sujitha @ Poetry_today blogspot
Editor - AkshithaVarshaa
Photography - Jonas Weckschmied


  1. This is such a lovely poem..❤️❤️🥀. keep going like this my friend 👍👌👌...!

  2. U guys really awesome 😘I lov'd it soo muchhh... thank u guys for this beautiful one♥️

  3. Wow...An extraordinary creation ...loved it....❤❤

  4. Wow it was amazing guys
    Loved it 💕

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